"The dignity, the grandeur, the tenderness, the everlasting and divine significance of motherhood."

-De Witt Talmage

Friday, March 25, 2011

Happy Weekend

It's Friday and something crazy is happening this weekend:  We. have. nothing. planned.  There is not one thing written on my calendar{so I am praying I have not forgotten something}.  Not anything to be on time to, well other than church, and nothing to schedule naps and meals around.  I feel like I am cheating or something.

So I will enjoy just hanging around with my favorites:)  And hope that I do not wake up on Monday with a sinking feeling of "crap. I cannot believe I forgot about xyz."

I hope you enjoy your weekend too, whether it's a busy one or a lazy one:)

1 comment:

  1. tiff- these pics are beautiful! i LOVE the sidewalk chalk and empty shoes the best :)
